• Taking the initiative to start therapy is a significant step in understanding yourself. Perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions people have is that if they seek help from a mental health professional, they are considered “crazy” by their peers, family, and even professionals. On the contrary, I know how difficult it can be to reach out for help, so I commend you for taking the first step and looking forward to working together with you to achieve your goals, whether it be short and/or long term. It is never too late to gain insight into yourself, which can enhance how you relate to your family, friends, spouse, and colleagues.

  • Feeling nervous and unsure about the whole therapy process can be quite nerve-racking for anybody who has never been to therapy before, and even if you have, it may take some time to feel completely safe in the room with a new therapist. I will start by asking you questions regarding the purpose of coming in to see a therapist today and specifically what you would like to work on. Especially at the beginning of therapy, I will need to get to know you a little more, which means I will have to ask questions about how you live your life.

    It may be difficult to start talking to a stranger, so it makes sense that you may not want to reveal everything to me. I completely respect your decision. Just know that the more information I get from you, the quicker I will be able to help you achieve your goals in therapy. It may not necessarily be an easy process. At times it may not even feel good. Nonetheless, understanding who you are and your actions will help you understand your relationship with others.

  • Everything that is said in session is kept confidential. The only time I will break confidentiality is if I feel that you are a threat to yourself or others, I will inform you and let the proper authorities know.

    Notes of our sessions are kept, which allows me to look back and keep track of what we’ve done in session and what we need to do to proceed to achieve your goal(s). However, the notes are brief and kept securely.

    At times, I do receive consultation I order to provide the best possible care to all my clients. In the event that I do, your name and other identifying information will be kept confidential.

  • The intricate details of what was discussed in the session will not be shared with your parents. However, I think it is important for parents to know how their actions may be affecting your behavior, so there will be times when I will call upon your parents to provide them with some guidance as to how they can help you. Nonetheless, before any meetings occur, I will thoroughly discuss what I can and cannot reveal to them. I may also schedule a time to talk to your parents to get more information about family life. Again, I will let you know before that meeting is ever scheduled.

  • A typical session lasts for 50 minutes. There are some situations where a 90 minute session is possible.

  • If you worry about your or someone else’s safety, please call Hong Kong emergency services at 999. If you would like to talk to someone if you have suicidal thoughts or intentions, please call The Samaritans at +852 2896 0000.

  • Some people want just one problem-solving session to work out their issues and walk out feeling better.

    On the other hand, there are times when clients need a little more time and support while focusing on a particular problem before moving on to the next challenge they may be experiencing. Some may choose to come in every week, bi-weekly, or even monthly sessions where clients can check in. There will be times when I may suggest clients come in weekly so they can work not the issues, but the frequency can taper off eventually. It will really depend on your needs, whether it be only one short or long-term session.

  • If you have a group of really close friends and/or family members you trust, that is wonderful, and I would highly encourage you to share your dreams, thoughts, ideas, and aspirations with them.

    However, because they are close friends and family members, sometimes their objectivity is hindered as your dreams, goals, and aspirations may then affect those around you. Therefore, it is sometimes beneficial to work with an objective, non-judgmental therapist who allows you to honestly express yourself in a safe space.

  • Yes. Sessions can be conducted online via Zoom. It is important to find a safe and private place for therapy sessions where others will not be able to listen in on your session. Additionally, it is best not to multitask during the session, and remember to silence your other electronic devices.